About us
Responsible Renewables is a collective of community members who are concerned about current proposals to build windfarms just six kilometres off the Gippsland coastline. The group is passionate that renewable energy can be implemented in a way that benefits the environment, wildlife and people – without putting any of them at stake.
Robert (Bob) Boelen
M Eng Sc (Research)
Robert emigrated from the Netherlands in 1958 at an early age and later obtained his engineering master’s degree from Monash university. He spent 35 years in industrial research and development with BHP Billiton and Monash University. This was followed by private consulting for a further 15 years to mining and engineering companies such as FMG and Worley Parsons. During his career, the composition and recording of his own music occupied much of his spare time. Robert is now retired and has spent much of his time travelling widely.
Laura Jennings
Laura is an experienced marketing executive and has recently commenced her PhD at Monash Sustainable Development Institute in diversity and inclusion. She has loved the Gippsland coast since childhood – and has raised her own children on the beauty of the “Magic Beach”.

Chelsea Taylor
Chelsea has over 24 years of experience working in business development, project and product management in the payments industry and recent experience in the not-for-profit sector. She has held positions and major contacts with Mastercard, Visa, NAB, Bank of New Zealand, Commonwealth Bank of Australia and Westpac which have seen her work on strategic initiatives and manage software implementations across the Asia-Pacific region. Chelsea holds a Bachelor of Business (Marketing) and is a qualified Meditation Teacher and Life Coach. She is a graduate of the Gippsland Community Leadership Program and served on the Walkerville Foreshore Committee for seven years. Originally from Leongatha North,
Chelsea currently resides in Walkerville with her husband and two children.

Ted Landy
Ted is an International airline pilot. He and his family have been involved in the preservation of Waratah Bay for over fifty years, including the foreshore at Walkerville and Cape Liptrap Coastal Park. He believes renewable targets can be achieved while protecting highly valued Landscapes and Seascapes such as Waratah Bay and Wilsons Promontory National Park for all Australians.